Fun Little Gestures of our Romance!

I’m thrilled to be celebrating Day #632 of our marriage this Valentine’s Day!
I’m very fortunate to have a husband who knows that the way to a woman’s heart is through romantic gestures.   And I delight in trying to find creative ideas to romance him too!

(in fact, I jot down ideas in this little notebook I carry with me!)

holding my little notebook! Gotta jot a good idea down!

10 Fun Little Gestures of our Romance!

(because romancing my spouse starts with me….)

  1. Cassie painted her toe-nails red the day Brian & she first kissed as a way to commemorate a special relationship, and they have been kept painted red ever since.

    Red Toe Nails!

  2. They shared a first kiss at the Griffith Observatory after telescope viewing of the moon, saturn, and while overlooking the city lights.
  3. Brian greeted Cassie at the airport after a trip with a rose, she greeted him with a T-shirt she made with a large picture of them & the words “I Love Brian”  (over the top?  Perhaps…. but that’s okay in romance)
  4. During their engagement, Cassie presented Brian with 10 years worth of letters she had been writing to the man she would marry, if he existed.  (he did!)

    10 Years of Love Letters

  5. Cassie loves the flowers Brian gives her, and tries to find a fun way to photograph them as a thank-you to Brian  (some photo ideas are more clever than others, but it is a fun tradition).  Here is a link to some of those Thank you photos!
  6. While they dated, Cassie received a phone call from Brian early one morning instructing her to go check her car (he had left flowers there before) – but when she opened the door, there he stood with coffee and a bagel for her.  What a guy!
  7. For their first married Valentines Day, Cassie arrived home to all lights being replaced with red bulbs.  A red ribbon tied to the outside door knob that she was to follow… as she followed, music was playing (“my funny valentine” of course), she saw a card & balloons, a beautiful bouquet of  flowers, and the ribbon tied in a bow to a new, much needed fridge.  Then he served her dinner of all red foods (except asparagus b/c greens are important) & drink.  Creative man!

    All red foods (except asparagus b/c greens are important)... very clever man! What a husband!

    Red light bulbs to celebrate our first married Valentines Day when we were living in the old cabin!

  8. Cassie once sent Brian a telegram when he was out of town. 
  9. One of Cassie’s favorite dates was when on their way to dinner, Brian stopped off at a laundry-mat that had old 80’s video arcade games.  We played Pac-Man together.  ….Brian did quite well.  Cassie loves the simple but unique things.
  10. Brian took over driving Cassie’s heat-less, air-conditioning-less 2002 Ford Escort in order to make sure she could be in a comfortable, new Prius.  Quite a sacrifice from a guy who loves cool cars!

New Car! QUITE a gesture of love from the husband!

My valentine left for work this morning before 6am with a letter for every hour we will be apart today.

Valentines Day Letters 2011. One for each hour we would be apart today. (6am - 6pm)

He also was greeted with random kiss lips on the mirror, the shower…. and in some unexpected places…

He was grateful I chose to kiss the sticky note rather than the porcelain.


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1 Response to Fun Little Gestures of our Romance!

  1. These are such cute ideas! I especially like the kiss on the toliet… just keep up your cute little romances and your love won’t go down the crapper! 🙂

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